From Australian digital healthcare company Eucalyptus, Compound is an integrated and personalised healthcare solution. It carves out a unique proposition by providing deep insight, coaching and accountability, enabling men to optimise their health and achieve longevity by focusing on performance and incremental change.
The program is delivered through a mix of teleheath services, in-app experience, in-person diagnostics & consultations in clinic as well as tailored supplements.
"Historically, we've done all our brands in-house, so we turned to DesignStudio to push it somewhere new and a little weird. DS pushed our tastes and belief in what a healthcare brand can look like. We're thankful for how much they care." Charlie Gearside, Founder, Eucalyptus.
Compound’s difference is its analytics and programming. Through clinical grade diagnostics; Dexa scans, VO2 max tests and detailed blood work, the team can identify health issues, set realistic and measurable goals and help motivate clients with the right level of credible insight and support, through diet, exercise and supplement plans supported by a team of clinicians and health practitioners.
The name highlights the impact of long-term consistent positive action. It’s not just repetitive efforts which yield results but the small, incremental improvements, when reinvested which create lasting additional positive impact.
The system toggles between the physical and the digital. Using the processes of Dexa and polycam as a visualisation tools and the customisation and tactility of the program comes to life through hand drawn iterations of the wordmark.
Created at Design Studio Sydney with, Leon Shore, James Duru, Bénédicte Gouy, Liam Hill, Kenny Do, Mac Archibald, Wei Huang, Marcel Piekarski, and Joel Priestland.
More in depth case study can be viewed here